Ingredients :
Drain the quinoa thoroughly and dry. Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the onion. Leave to cook until soft and add garlic and chili. Add quinoa and cook, stirring, until cooked. Pass everything through a strainer to a bowl and mix with the eggs, lightly beaten. Add the amount of flour necessary to form a thick dough. To form, with this mixture the burgers.
Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the burgers over low heat. Remove from pan and place on absorbent paper to remove grease. (Up to this point they can be individually frozen properly bagged).
Put on each hamburger (the ones to be consumed) 1 slice of edam cheese, 4 or 5 slices of hot dog sausage, 3 strips of pepper, olive strips. Sprinkle with oregano and chili on top of the bike. Before serving, bring to the oven previously heated until the hamburger is hot and the cheese is slightly melted.
It can be accompanied with rice and mashed potatoes or with golden potatoes.